Have you ever seen through a kaleidoscope?
Personally, I love the way in which light goes through the tube and causes this magical visual effect shown as a set of perfectly formed symmetrical patterns.
Have you ever had one of this?
Have you ever noticed that it shows a different view each time?
Do you know what are they made of?
Do everybody see the same pattern than you?
Would you like to stay in the same view? or would you like to have different ones?
Now, think about the rhetorical questions I pondered above. Try to answer them, but make sure to bear in mind the word "PaRaDigM" and whatever this word may mean to you...
Well, inquire yourself now what`s a kaleidoscope and how is it linked to a Paradigm?
The Online Dictionary Reference defines kaleidoscope as, “…an optical instrument in which bits of glass, held loosely at the end of a rotating tube, are shown in continually changing-symmetrical forms by reflection in two or more mirrors set at angles to each other.” (In Dictionary.com, 2010)
According to the reference showed above, we dare to say that a kaleidoscope does not provide us a static viewpoint, but instead of that it gives us a very changeable one. In other words, it gives us a continually shifting pattern.
On the other hand, we cannot deny any knowledge of one of its most intriguing and remarkable characteristics; the kaleidoscope can only be seen from inside, but not from the outside. That is to say, you cannot see what it has to show you if you don`t get into it, and no one can explain you what can be seen there simply because you won`t be able to understand it until you see it by yourself.
Considering both words, kaleidoscope and paradigm, and their significance, we can wind up that in fact, these terms are oppose to each other. While a kaleidoscope presents a flexible and switchable view the same doesn´t occur with a paradigm. We can go deeper through the following inquires: What if our paradigms in life were so multicolored as the kaleidoscope? What if we could put ourselves in other`s shoes easily? What if we could see the charming in our differences?
This blog is submitted throughout a new Culture frame, in which a "Paradigm Shift" is required. Changing the way in which we perceive other people and cultures is the main issue.
In order to achieve this ambitious goal, our first effort must be targeted to avoid using terms and definitions that may not be political correct. As it well known that the spoken (written) word could be the broader gate ever opened.
"... our alternative cultural paradigm of development demands a semantic revolution. Semantic is a science of the meaning of words. Semantic revolution means revolution in the meaning of words... We should refuse such labeling. We must banish that language. We must be able to say that we are different." (Kappen Fr., 1993).
This cyber room was created with one only purpose: to open small shiny windows where light could pass into through the prism of the respect to be reflected in different colors as opinions may arise.
I could not build up this blog alone, since it would lose its purpose of diversity and richness. Thus, I´d rather fail while trying before I roll over and die.
There is only one rule to post on this blog: be aware of the connotation of words (not labeling, stereotyping, judging, etc).
I would be glad to receive your feedback and comments. Thank in advanced!
Kaleidoscope.2010.In Dictionary.com. Retrieved February 22, 2010,from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/kaleidoscope.
Wordl biggest kaleidoscope

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